Thursday, February 10, 2011

RU 4 Transit? Let Your Voice B Heard

When one person speaks, sometimes it's hard to be heard.

But when 100,000 people speak together, you can't miss the message.

That's the idea behind a new campaign called "IM 4 Transit," an online and social media transit advocacy initiative in Florida sponsored by the Florida Public Transportation Association.

Noting that "most Floridians favor public transit and want Florida transit to be as convenient as it was in their hometowns of New York, Philadelphia, Boston, etc," the campaign aims to plug in everyday people who just want better transportation choices in their "new" Florida hometowns.

A New Way to Move People
Once upon a time (not all that long ago, really), if someone wanted to call attention to an issue or a cause, they might circulate a petition. Today's online communities are a powerful force for change, and IM 4 Transit aims to mobilize those virtual communities right where they gather.

The main website,, is the hub of information, with news and updates on the campaign. Once you sign up (which is FREE, btw), informative e-newsletters will hit your inbox, with a link you can use to forward to your contacts.

For you social media gurus, you can also follow the effort on the IM 4 Transit Twitter page,  and "like" the Facebook page.

More about the mission of IM 4 Transit, from the website:
  • IM4Transit is a campaign of the Board of the Florida Public Transportation Association to identify, recruit, and mobilize at least 100,000 pro-transit Floridians.
  • IM4Transit is a ready community of transit supporters in Florida that can be mobilized “to give transit a voice” during transit-related debates in the public marketplace of ideas.
  • We are nonpartisan and have no views outside our core mission of educating the public and elected officials about the benefits and importance of public transportation to Florida.
  • We are a virtual community of transit riders, employees and stakeholders sustained by social media, web, and e-newsletters.
If you want to see more and better transportation choices here in Tampa Bay, IM 4 Transit is one place to start. Visit the website, sign up, and start spreading the word about the benefits of transit to your friends - real and virtual.

Click here to join, and see what can happen when thousands of Floridians speak with one voice.


  1. Go HART. Thanks for posting this. Not only can people support transit, but they can win cool prizes donated by business community. We have monthly drawings for a 42" HDTV and whoever recruits the most friends can earn an iPad2

  2. Great idea and surely this would be effective as it is voice of mass, much louder and audible. Of course, like other states Florida should have very good and efficient transportation infrastructure and should be ahead of other states in fact so that travelers at MCO enjoy their trip and transportation from Orlando airport to various destinations at the fullest.


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