Thursday, February 20, 2025

HART Operator Named Florida's Best at State Competition

HART is proud to announce that Operator Guarionex Falero-Ramos has secured 1st place overall in the Fixed Route Bus category at the prestigious Florida Triple Crown Roadeo! His exceptional skills also earned him 1st place in the Fixed Route Bus Pre-Inspection competition, highlighting his expertise and precision in bus operations.

Held over the weekend, the Florida Triple Crown Roadeo tested participants on a rigorous driving course, a written exam, and a comprehensive bus pre-inspection. Guarionex’s remarkable performance showcased his dedication, technical knowledge, and commitment to excellence in public transportation.

With this outstanding achievement, Guarionex will now advance to the International Bus Roadeo in Austin, TX, April 4-8, where he will compete against the best U.S. and Canadian bus operators.

HART also congratulates Operator Ticha Starling for her impressive qualification to the State Roadeo for the second consecutive year, further highlighting the high level of skill and professionalism from HART operators.

“We are incredibly proud of Guarionex and Ticha for their hard work and dedication,” said Scott Drainville, HART CEO. “Guarionex’s success at the Florida Triple Crown Roadeo is a testament to his skill and commitment to safety and service. We look forward to cheering him on as he represents Florida on the international stage in Austin!”

HART remains committed to providing exceptional transit service to Hillsborough County by investing in operator training and excellence. Achievements like these underscore the talent and dedication of HART’s workforce.

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